Young Adults

Immaculate Conception Young Adults (ICYA) brings together Catholics ages 18-42 in the parish.
Join us for fellowship, spiritual formation
, and service to our parish and  community.

Get connected with ICYA

Recurring Monthly Events

  • Second Sunday, After 11AM Mass | Brunch at a nearby restaurant
  • Second Thursday, After 7PM Holy Hour | Small group discussion and dinner at Ghostburger 
  • Third Thursday at 7PM | Holy to Happy Hour (Eucharistic Holy Hour with confession and music from 7-8PM followed by fellowship)
  • Fourth Sunday, After 6PM Mass | Social at Jake’s Tavern 

Additional Monthly Events (Dates Vary)

  • Preparing a homecooked meal for the men at the Father McKenna Center
  • Visiting with the Elderly at Inspire Rehab 
  • Praying outside the DC Planned Parenthood
  • Couples’ Socials (wine and rosary nights, brunch, pickleball outings, etc.)
  • Social events such as hikes, DC United games, and pick up sports
  • Men’s and women’s Bible studies and small groups

Keep an eye on the calendar (below) for specific dates and event details!